Journal History

Excellence in Higher Education (EHE) is a sustainable research initiative established with the generous support of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) as part of its Decentralized Basic Education 2 Project in Indonesia. EHE is the first English language academic journal in the field of higher education in Indonesia. EHE is sponsored by the Consortium of Indonesian Universities–Pittsburgh (KPTIP: Konsorsium Perguruan Tinggi Indonesia–Pittsburgh) and is a product of the Consortium’s continued commitment to the quality and innovation of Indonesian education. To this end the Consortium works to create sustainable national, regional, and global partnerships to meet national education reform mandates.

EHE launched its first issue in December 2010. Professors W. James Jacob, University of Pittsburgh; John C. Weidman, University of Pittsburgh; and Irwan Nasution, IAIN North Sumatra serve as Editors-in-Chief; and Professors Jeffrey A. Milligan of Florida State University and Sunardi of Sebelas Maret University serve as Associate Editors. The Book Review Editor of EHE is Professor Furqon Hidayatullah of Sebelas Maret University.

EHE encourages diverse points of view with international perspectives, creating a forum for the sharing of research on issues pertaining to higher education. The goal of EHE is to enable readers around the world to explore Indonesian and global higher education traditions and contemporary patterns in a global context, thereby promoting mutual dialogue and enriching the theory, policy, and practice of higher education.

Frequency: 2 issues per year
ISSN: 2153-9669 (print version)
ISSN: 2153-9677 (electronic version)